[ET Net News Agency, 13 March 2025] OOIL (00316) fell 3.1% to HK$111.6.
It hits an intra-day low of HK$111.6, and an intra-day high of HK$115.2. The total
shares traded was 503,900, with a value of HK$56.92m. The active buy/sell ratio is 45:55,
with net selling turnover of HK$5.09m. CHINA INV INFO accounts for greatest net responsive
buying turnover of HK$7.29m, with volume weighted average price of HK$112.806. JEFFERIES
HK accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of HK$3.81m, with volume weighted
average price of HK$113.09.
The Hang Seng Index now fell 281 points, or 1.2% to 23,318.
Basic Information
Nominal 111.600 % Chg -3.12%
High 115.200 Low 111.600
Shares Tr 503,900 Turnover 56.92m
10-D SMA 108.470 %H.V 27.296
20-D SMA 108.065 VWAP 112.954
50-D SMA 108.566 RSI14 57.745
Status: Active buy/sell ratio is 45:55, with net selling turnover of HK$5.09m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
OOIL (00316) 111.60 -3.12
CHINA MER PORT (00144) 12.42 -0.80
SINOTRANS (00598) 3.63 -3.46
COSCO SHIP ENGY (01138) 6.22 -2.66
COSCO SHIP PORT (01199) 4.58 -2.35
SITC (01308) 19.82 -0.20
COSCO SHIP HOLD (01919) 11.88 -1.66
PACIFIC BASIN (02343) 1.68 +0.60
TS LINES (02510) 5.06 +2.43
QINGDAO PORT (06198) 5.75 -0.52